Chicago Spanking Review

Hi and Lois Spanking

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hi spanks lois kevin karstens bawdy bard

Hiram (Hi) Flagston spanks his wife Lois Flagston from the comic strip Hi and Lois. Conception by Bawdy Bard with art by Kevin Karstens. Characters © King Features Syndicate. Posted by the Web-Ed on 05/14/2021.

We've seen that quite a few family-themed comic strips have furnished inspiration for the deviant mind of Bawdy Bard, and we're going to conclude our current BB series with an example based on perhaps the most durable of them, Mort Walker's Hi and Lois. It was actually a spin-off of Walker's Beetle Bailey that made its debut in 1954 and is currently being produced by the sons of the original creative team, being written by Brian and Greg Walker and drawn by Robert "Chance" Browne and Eric Reaves. (Mort Walker died in 2018 and Dik Browne in 1989).

The gag is again based around a child witnessing an adult spanking and not understanding what he's seeing, and it is very well executed by Kevin Karstens who as we have commented before is very good at blending humor and eroticism. Here that involves combining the original cartoonist's style with his own more realistic one, the greater realism leading to increased eroticism as a determined-looking Hi is giving a grateful Lois the very good spanking she obviously needs. big grin

This is the only Karsten/Bard cartoon based on Hi and Lois we're going to be seeing, but the original file BB sent us was numbered "3". There is a "#1" featuring Chip spanking his mother Lois, but intriguing as it is we've decided not to post it at this time. (We have a black & white version as well as one that appears to have been recolored by the same mysterious individual who did this with some other cartoons - see Foxtrot Red Hot #1 for more information). No extant copy of the original version is known to us. That still leaves us with the possibility that a Hi and Lois #2 may have existed at one time, but if so it appears not to have survived since a search of the internet did not turn it up.

That also brings us to the end of our current BB Series; however, there are a couple of ways we may yet see more from his fertile imagination on CSR. First, BB sent us some cartoons he found but did not write, and we may post some time in the future those that were not already in our files. Second, BB entrusted us with some of his ideas for even more spanking cartoons, and should we ever be in a financial position to do so we might very well commission one or more artists to bring them to life. Finally, any CSR reader over the age of eighteen who would like to see those of his cartoons in our possession but not printed here should contact us - we might be able to put them in a compressed folder and send them to you, although we wouldn't be getting to it anytime soon given the very tight constraints on our time to answer emails.

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