Chicago Spanking Review

Wonder Woman's Punishment

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Last time we were introduced to Rene Micheletti, so let's see what we believe was another work commissioned from him, this time featuring Wonder Woman as she's once again taken over someone's knee. We believe the situation here is that Diana, having allowed herself to be captured and humiliated by her old enemy The Cheetah, must face the wrath of her mother, Queen Hippolyta. As we've seen in the past, Hippolyta is a firm believer in the old "Spare the rod, spoil the child" theory of child raising - there are even examples in the old WW comics in which references are made to her spanking Diana - so it's not too surprising to see her choose this method of parental discipline here. And so for the millionth time, those famous star-spangled panties head south to reveal Diana's bare bottom to a spanker's hand.

Micheletti once again does a fine job technically, providing good OTK positioning and expressions, and the unknown colorist really brought the piece to life. We trust that Diana will derive some real benefit from her latest fanny-warming, and not get herself captured so easily next time.

wonder woman gets spanked by her mother for getting captured by cheetah

Wonder Woman gets a spanking from her mother, Queen Hippolyta. Art by Rene Micheletti. Characters © DC Comics Inc.

wonder woman gets spanked by her mother for getting captured by cheetah

Colorist unknown. Characters © DC Comics Inc. Posted by the Web-Ed on 07/05/2024.

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